Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the privacy measures in place for the website and its related services (together referred to as the “Site”). At (“we,” “us,” or “our”), we prioritize the privacy of your online activities. Anyone accessing or using the website is referred to as “you” or “your.” Please take the time to read the following details to understand how your interactions with this Site are managed.

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy at our discretion. Any changes to this policy will be announced on this page. For significant modifications, we will provide a clearer notice, which might include email notifications for certain services, provided you have given us your email address. If you are a registered user of our services, you acknowledge and accept that it is your responsibility to keep your email address current, regularly check this Site and the Privacy Policy, and stay informed of any changes. Your ongoing use of the Site after such changes signifies your (a) acknowledgment of the updated Privacy Policy; and (b) consent to abide by and be bound by the Privacy Policy as amended.

Types of Information Collected

To improve the quality of our services, we collect two types of information from our users: Personally Identifiable Information and Non-Personally Identifiable Information. The primary reason we gather this information from you is to provide a smooth, effective, and customized experience during your interaction with our site.

Personally Identifiable Information

This category includes information that reveals your identity. Engaging in specific activities on this site, such as signing up for an account, making a purchase, contributing or posting in forums, or providing us with feedback, may lead us to ask for personal information via online forms. Your involvement in these activities is completely voluntary. However, should you decide to participate, we might ask for personal information like your name, mailing address (including zip code), email address, job title, date of birth, gender, telephone numbers, and other identifying details. For certain activities, some information is required, while other information is optional. Failure to provide the necessary information for an activity will restrict your ability to participate in that activity.

Non-Personally Identifiable Information

This refers to  information that doesn’t directly identify any individual. We collect specific data based on your activities on our site in various ways. This data is evaluated both individually and collectively. It may include the website’s Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) you were on before visiting our site, the URL you go to next, the type of browser you use, your operating system, your internet service provider’s domain name, and your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address. A URL is essentially the global address of documents and resources on the World Wide Web. An IP address serves as a unique identifier for a computer or device on a network using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (“TCP/IP”), such as the internet. Networks use the TCP/IP protocol to direct information to the destination based on its IP address. Essentially, an IP address is a unique number your computer is assigned each time you access the internet, enabling web servers to locate and identify your device. IP addresses are crucial for internet communication between computers.

Collection Methods and Use of Information

We collect Personally Identifiable Information solely when you willingly provide it. This could occur during various activities such as signing up for our services, sharing your email address, sending us emails, completing forms, posting comments or ratings, or communicating with us via phone or mail. We may also indicate on our site the moments when we’re gathering such data.

Furthermore, we, along with our third-party advertising partners and content servers, might collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information. This could encompass categories of stores you visit, particular URLs, and your IP address, aiding in server troubleshooting, site management, and demographic analysis. Our third-party advertisers might provide aggregate reports on advertisement impressions and clicks on our site, maintaining individual anonymity. This collective data is used to assess site interactions, promotional efficacy, and digital media, potentially leading to tailored offerings for you. We maintain the right to lawfully distribute summarized data about our site visitors.

The main purpose of using your Personally Identifiable Information is to offer you our services and uphold our commitments to you. It plays a crucial role in enhancing site operations, processing orders, improving marketing approaches, analyzing site engagement, upgrading our products and services, and tailoring content and services to your preferences. This information may also be used for sending out administrative communications, settling disputes, and addressing issues.

Release of Information and Opt-Out

We reserve the right to share the postal addresses, phone numbers or email addresses of users with third parties, including advertisers. To prevent Us from sharing this information in the future, please email Us at: We will not share users’ credit card numbers. Occasionally, we send e-mail messages to users to inform them of features and services available on our Sites.

NAI Opt Out:!/

DAA Opt Out:!/

Occasionally We may be required by law enforcement or judicial authorities to provide Personally Identifiable Information to the appropriate governmental authorities. We will disclose Personally Identifiable Information upon receipt of a court order, subpoena, or to cooperate with a law enforcement investigation. We fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who use Our Services for illegal activities. We reserve the right to report to law enforcement agencies any activities that We in good faith believe to be unlawful.

We may also provide Non-Personally Identifiable Information about Our customers’ sales, traffic patterns, and related Site information to third party advertisers, but these statistics do not include any Personally Identifiable Information.

Updating and Correcting Information

If you choose to provide us with Personally Identifiable Information, we believe you should have the ability to access and edit this information. Should you wish to review or change your personal details and privacy settings after providing such information, you can do so by contacting us via email at Please make sure to include your name and/or email address in your message. We strongly encourage you to update your Personally Identifiable Information as soon as any changes occur. While you have the option to request the deletion or removal of your information, it’s important to understand that data related to past transactions on this site may not be completely removable due to our record-keeping requirements. Moreover, it might not be possible to entirely erase your information owing to leftover data in our backup systems.

User Choices on Collection and Use of Information

You also have choices with respect to cookies, as described below. By modifying Your browser preferences, You have the choice to accept all cookies, to be notified when a cookie is set, or to reject all cookies. If You choose to reject all cookies some parts of Our Site may not work properly in Your case.

Security of Information

On our site, you can trust that your Personally Identifiable Information is safeguarded in line with the latest industry norms. We place a high priority on the security of all Personally Identifiable Information related to our users. Your information is protected in several ways. It is stored on a secure server accessible only to selected staff and contractors through a password. We also encrypt your Personally Identifiable Information, which helps prevent unauthorized access to it during transmission to us. Any personal information you provide, which does not qualify as Personally Identifiable Information, is equally stored on a secure server and accessed only with a password.

However, it’s important to note that the security of data transmitted over the Internet or through any wireless network cannot be absolutely guaranteed. Therefore, despite our efforts to safeguard your Personally Identifiable Information, you must recognize that: (a) there are inherent security and privacy limitations on the Internet outside of our control; (b) we cannot fully ensure the security, integrity, and privacy of the information and data exchanged between you and us on this site; and (c) it’s possible for such information and data to be seen or altered in transit by a third party.


When You use Our Site We will store cookies on Your computer in order to facilitate and customize Your use of Our Site. A cookie is a small data text file, which a Web Site stores on Your computer’s hard drive (if Your Web browser permits) that can later be retrieved to identify You to Us. Our cookies store non-Personally Identifiable Information. The cookies make Your use of the Site easier, make the Site run more smoothly and help Us to maintain a secure Site. You are always free to decline Our cookies if Your browser permits, but some parts of Our Site may not work properly in that case.

Cookies are not designed to get data from Your hard drive, Your email account or any other personal data about You. No personal information is placed into these Cookies. Cookies are used to store information about a visitor’s preferences and history in order to better serve the visitor and/or present the visitor with customized ads, content and/or services.

We may use an outside ad serving company to display banner advertisements on Our Site. As part of their service, they will place a separate cookie on Your computer. We will not provide any third-party ad server with any of Your Personally Identifiable Information or information about Your purchases. We and Our third party ad server will collect and use Non-Personally Identifiable Information about You, such as Your IP address, browser type, the server Your computer is logged onto, the area code and zip code associated with Your server and whether You responded to a particular ad. Other advertisers may also place banner ads on Our Site in the same manner as above, but We will not disclose any Personally Identifiable Information to them. For more information about cookies, visit

Privacy Policies of Third Party Sites

Beyond the information outlined in this Privacy Policy, this document exclusively addresses how we use and share the information we collect from you. Other websites accessible through our platform have their own privacy policies and data collection, usage, and disclosure practices. We encourage you to consult the privacy policy of each website you visit. We are not accountable for the policies or practices of third-party sites. Additionally, companies that advertise on our site may gather information about you through cookies when you engage with or click on their ads. We do not control how these advertisers collect data. For questions about the data collected by these advertisers, we recommend reaching out to them directly.

Miscellaneous Privacy Issues

You need to be at least 13 years old to use this site with our approval. We adhere to the policy of not intentionally gathering, using, or disclosing Personally Identifiable Information from individuals under the age of 13.

It’s important to note that when you voluntarily share Personally Identifiable Information (like your name, email address, etc.) in discussion forums or other public sections of this site, that information, as well as any details shared in your communications, can be captured and utilized by third parties, potentially leading to unwanted messages from these entities. Such occurrences are outside our control, and this Privacy Policy does not cover such information. Understand that any contributions to chat rooms or public areas on this site are made with the acknowledgment that they can be accessed by third parties. If you prefer your comments not to be exposed to third parties, it’s best to refrain from making such posts. Always exercise caution and responsibility when you’re online.

If You have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this Site, or Your dealings with this Site, please contact Us by emailing